Saturday, April 9, 2011

1940 Chronology, 9 April

The German invasion of Denmark and Norway begins. The expeditionary force consists of seven infantry and two mountain divisions, with an air arm of over 400 fighters and bombers, 70 reconnaissance aircraft and 500 air transports.

The entire GErman navy takes part in the operation.

The army of occupation is divided into seven formations: two, commanded by General Kaupitsch, invade Denmark and take it in 48 hours. (Kaupitsch's troops enter Copenhagen, the capital, within 12 hours of landing.)

The other five formations land in Norway, at Oslo, Kirstiansand, Bergen, Trondheim and Narvik. In the course of the landing operations, the Germans lose the heavy cruiser Blucher off Oslo and two light cruisers, the Karlsruhe at Kristiansand and the Konigsberg off Bergen.

With the news of the German attack on Denmark and Norway, the French and British seek permission for their troops to enter Belgium. The request is refused by the Belgian government.

World War II Magazine Day-by-Day Desk Diary, 1989

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