Duty, Honor, Applause: America's Entertainers in WWIIby Gary L. Bloomfield, Stacie L. Shain, with Arlen C. Davidson
The Lyons Press, 2004
496 pages including bibliography. No index
Library: 940.53 BLO
Table of Contents1. The Great War and Prelude to WWII
2. The Axis Powers Plunge Into War
3. A Despicable Act: Tin Pan Alley Sings Red, White and Blue
4. Thousands Sign Up For "The Duration": Entertainers Bolster Troop Morale; War Bonds: Americans Chip in TO Support the Cause
5. Defense Plants Gear Up for War: Radio Reinforces the Message; Hollywood and the Canteen
6. The Pacific Rim: The USO "Drafts" Soldiers in Greasepaint
7. Nazi U-boats Terrorize the Atlantic: Broadway and the Stage Door Canteen
8. Fighting in the Mediterranean: "Spooks" of the OSS
9. Chasing the Foe Across the Pacific: Wounded Vets Cope; Hollywood Rallies the Country
10. Allied Bombers Hit Fortress Europe: "Celluloid Commandos" Advance Military Training Frame By Frame
11. Turning Point of the Twentieth Century: The Invasion of Fortress Europe
12. Turning the Tide in the Pacific: Pinup Girls Show "T & A" Weapons Don't Refer to Tanks and Artillery
13. The Final Push Across the Rhine: The Defiant ans Unstoppable Marlene; V-Discs Bring Harmony to Cacophony of War
14. The Bombing Campaign over Japan
15. Returning Home...Finally
(Table of Contents calls out Index, but there isn't one.)
Photos--Battery C of the 6th Field Artillery, two unidentified soldiers
--1st Army Post All Colored Band - 39 members of the band, unidentified
--Pilot William Wellman in front of plane
--Private TP Loughlin, 69th Regiment, National guard, wife and child
--A. C. Gibbons and Mae Marsh,
Stake Uncle Sam to Play Your Hand, 1918
--US Troops marching through Paris, Independence Day 1917. At least 3 recognizable but unidentified
--Dorothy Gish and unidentified actor,
The Greatest Things in Life--DW Griffith filming
Hearts of the World (1917)
--Hedy Lamarr and 20 unidentified soldiers
--Charlie Chaplin and 5 unidentified actora,
Shoulder Arms--March 7, 1936 German soldiers marching into Rhineland. About 20 unidentified soldiers
--Henry Fonda
--Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler and unidentified man in front of Eiffel Tower
--Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Navy lieutenant
--About 20 unidentified Japanese soldiers celebrating in Singapore
--girl presenting wreath to Adolph Hitler, one unidentified man, rest unidentified
--German storm trooper in front of Jewish shop
--Lew Ayres,
All Quiet on the Western Front --American Nazi Party, 1939. About 6 identifiable but unidentifiable men at the front of a column of men
--Orson Welles, performing "The War of the Worlds" radio show
--Two "Schulstad lads" listening to the radio
--Gary Cooper as Alvin York
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing declaration of war
--Black newspaper boy with "Japs Declare War" headline
--About 20 unidentified American sailors listening to radio
--Two unidentified Japanese soldiers celebrating fall of Singapore
--Sailors laying wreaths at Pearl Harbor. Unidentified.
--Jimmy Cagney and four unidentified women in
Yankee Doodle Dandy --American and Filipino soldiers at Bataan with coastal gun. Unidentified.
--Robert Taylor in pilot gear in front of plane
--Irving Berlin
--Kate Smith, a few unidentified musicians
--Frank Loesser in uniform
--Captain Glenn Miller
--Glenn Miller and unidentified band members
--Black jazz band, unidentified musicians
--Unidentified Navy recruit crawling through log obstacle
--Four unidentified soldiers going through boot camp
--Three unidentified soldiers training on Browning .50 caliber flexible machine gun
--Two marines, one black, training at Mont Ford Point
--Unidentified infantrymen being inspected on parade in Hawaii
--John Craven on portable radio
--Aircorpsmen with bayonets, unidentified
--Sabu Dastagir
--Clark Gable with ammo belts
--WC Fields, Paulette Goddard, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy
--Tyrone Power,
Crash Dive, 1943
--Three unidentified marines in North Carolina
--Sterling Hayden, aiming rifle
--2nd Lt McDonald Carey and unidentified soldier at Cherry Point
--Robert Stack in uniform
--Guy Madison in uniform
--Eddie Peabody with banjo and two unidentified musicians on board ship
--Seaman Second Class Jackie Cooper on drums, with three unidentified women in the Marine Corps
--Faye McKenzie, Billy Gilbert, and unidentified showgirl
--Carole Lombard dancing jitterbug with PFC Joseph Schneeburg, unidentified trumpet player
--4 unidentified WAVES and Victor Mature in the Coast Guard
--The Andrews Sisters in
Over There--Beryl Wallace and 3 un-identified soldiers from Western Signal Aviation Unit
--Rosalind Russell, brother George, and two unidentified soldiers, Camp Bowie, TX
--Private Don Byrnes and Alice Swanson, dancing
--Lena Horne and five black soldiers of the 92nd infantry division
--Carmen Miranda and Sergeant Anthony M Lopilato, Indianapolis
--Jimmy Stewart in uniform
--Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Ronald Colman, and an unidentified Russian
--Carole Lombard for Buy Bonds
--Irving Berlin and Michael Curtiz
--Laurel and Hardy at a USO show, 1943
--Mae West, and unidentified man and woman
--Ronald Reagan in uniform, Jane Wyman, and daughter
--Lana Turner
--Gene Tierney and 6 unidentified drill sergeants
--Danny Kaye and unidentified woman
--Jack Benny and a few recognizable but unidentified soldiers
--Paulette Goddard and four unidentified actresses,
I Love A Soldier--Five factory women, unidentified (wearing goggles)
--Two unidentified women, one unidentified soldier
--Two women in aircraft repair shop
--Four Secretaries of War poster, women models not identified
--Two black women welders
--GI Cookie Girl - unidentified
--Two unidentified WAVES and two women
--Unidentified mother looking at photo of her sons
--Two unidentified women modeling factory-safe clothing
--Martha Bryant and Eulalie Hampden (black women bolt cutters) 1943
--Pete Seeger and several unidentified sailors, both black and white
--Gene Autry in cockpit
--Four unidentified male radio actors
--Eve Arden and unidentified actor/soldier
--Mickey Rooney, Sergeant Bill Stewart, Tom Poston, and unidentified Signal Corps officer
--Humphrey Bogart, Jack Brown and Lauren Bacall
--Martha Wilkerson - GI Jill
--Lena Horne on Jubilee
--Betty Hutton and Jimmy Durante
--Ann Sheridan
--Janet Blair
--Major Mann Holiner with Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore
--Bob Hope and Frances Langford
--7 Hollywood 5th graders, unidentified
--Janet Blair cooking
--Ann Sothern, Hedy Lamarr, and Linda Darnell
--Olivia de Havilland with an unidentified soldier, Marine and sailor
--Maria Montez and Gloria Jean with typewriters
--Colonel Philip "Flip" Cochran
--Merle Oberon with 3 unidentified soldiers
--Joe E. Brown in China with four unidentied troops
--band leader Artie Shaw
--Lt. James Doolittle and his bomber crews, all unidentified
--Spencer Tracy,
30 Seconds Over Tokyo--General C. L. Chennault with Ann Sheridan and Mary Landa
--Gene Autry with unidentified soldier
--One unidentified Muleskinner leading mule through water
--Jackie Coogan and several unidentified glider pilots
--Four Merrill's Marauders, unidentified
--Lili Pons, Andre Kostelanetz and a few unidentified soldiers, plus an unidentified Chinese (monk(?))
--Ann Sheridan
--Pat O'Brien with sword, unidentified man
--Errol Flynn,
Objective Burma--A pilot and mechanic of the Flying Tigers
--6 members of an American mortar crew in the Aleutian islands
--Narjorie Reynolds with two soldiers in the Aleutians
--Marine Corps Photographic Field Officer Louis Hayward
--Black woman and three black soldiers at a USO Club
--Two soldiers and a woman in USO club
--Martha Tilton and a few unidentified GIs, Cape Gloucester, July 1944
--Eddie Bracken, two other men and five women entertainers, unidentified
--Jeanne Darrell and TEch-4 Leon Blackley in Liberia
--Mrs and Mrs Jim Dodd, Pat O'Brien Betty Yeaton and Jinx Falkenberg on plane from china to India
--Jerry Colonna
--Frances Langford
--Ann Sheridan and six unidentified GIs
--Miss America 1945, Bess Myerson
--Two unidentified sailors
--Four unidentified sailors in racks
--Five unidentified sailors in racks
--Joan Blondell and three unidentified soldiers
--Victor Mature on Coast Guard cutter
--Artie Shaw and unidentified sailors on ship
--Marlene Dietrich and 5 unidentified men and 1 woman, Greenland
--4 unidentified WACs boarding ship
--Ilana Massey and several unidentified soldiers
--Robert Taylor in uniform with unidentified Naval inspector
--3 GIs in drag,
This is the Army--Ethel Merman and unidentified naval officer on ship
--Alfred Lunt, Lynne Fontanne and unidentified actress
--Unidentified sailors and entertainer at Stage Door Canteen
--Unidentified chorus girls
--Katherine Cornell in jeep
--Unidentified soldiers marching ashore in North Africa
--6 unidentified GIs on a cargo ship
--Douglas Fairbanks, jr, King George of England, and 2 other unidentified officers
--Joe Pellegrino and Italian musicians at a POW camp
--Private Dick Vaus
--Bob Hope, Frances Langford and unidentified GI
--Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in
Casablanca--Henry Fonda,
The Immortal Sergeant--Nartha Raye and 6 unidentified GIs
--Martha Raye in tank in North Africa, with 23 unidentified soldiers
--2 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne, plus 2 unidentifiable ones
--2 GIs seated at war memorial in Brolon on Sicily
--3 Tuskegee Airforce Pilots
--4 soldiers with a gun by the Arno River
--General Patton, Bob Hope, Frances Langford, two unidentified soldiers
--Mussolini and Hitler in car with unidentified soldier
--4 unidentified soldiers walking through Caiazzo
--OSS officer Sterling Hayden
--Petr Ortiz in uniform
--Three soldiers paddling down Gira River, New Years Eve 1942
--Soldier in the South Pacific
--Corporal George Avram and Dorothy Fay
--Joe E Brown and a Fiji Islander
-- Column of marine raiders with dogs. A few of those in front are recognizable but unidentified
--Unidentified Leatherneck on Peleliu
--unidentifified Army medic, three unidentified Sicilian women villagers
--Lee Marvin as a Marine
--Red Skelton performing before unidentified Marines
--Al Jolson performing before unidentified soldiers
--Unidentified Army medic patches up unrecognizable GI
--Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna, Frances Langford, and Bing Crosby with unidentified woman and two soldiers in veteran's hospital
--Esther Williams being held up by 2 GIs
--Army Sergeant Harold Russell with 2 artificial arms
--Elmer Davis
--Irving Berlin and various unidentified singers,
This is the Army--Tyrone Power in uniform
--Ginger Rogers
--Unidentified elderly German woman looking at rubble while unidentifiable American GIs walk past
--Jimmy Stewart and four unidentified crewmembers
--Clark Gable leaning out of bomber window
--Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering
--Bob Hope and three unidentified English women
--Unidentified English man and woman watching the skies
--Hazel Scott
--Jane Froman and Don Ross, her husband
--Leslie Howard, two unidentified men
--Glenn Miller and unidentified woman
--Unidentified bomber crew praying
--Two unidentified mechanics
--Two girls and a boy seated on the rubble of their home
--Unidentified Flying Fortress crew squeezed into a jeep
--Leslie Howard
--Signal Corps Lt Colonel Frank Capra, awarded medal from General George Marshall
--Unidentified waist gunner aboard B-17 Flying Fortress
--General Hap Arnold, three unidentified civilians
--Major General William Porter, Walt Disney, and unidentified soldier
--Three unidentified actors/soldiers in
Three Cadets training film
--Jimmy Stewart and five unidentified crewmen,
Winning Your Wings--Clark Gable and two unidentifed crewmembers
--Gene Kelly, US Navy
--William Wyler and unidentified man, both in uniform
--Frank Capra, unidentified man and woman
--Frank Capra in uniform
--John Ford
--John Huston with unidentified film crew
--A photo which is supposed to have John Huston on the left, only it sure doesn't look like him, and 3 other uniformed individuals
--three Dachau prisoners
--William Wyler, Sy Bartlett, John Huston and Anatole Litvak, all in uniform
--John Wayne,
Reunion in France--Two unidentified GIs
--A dozen or so unidentified GIs in a landing craft
--Unidentified GIs
--Unidentified GIs
--3 unidentified paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division
--Soldier firing big gun
--Unidentified GIs entering town
--Navy Lt John Cox Jr (actor John Howard)
--Edward G. Robinson entertaining troops
--Bing Crosby, Broderick Crawford, Corporal Colin Framptom and Corporal Doug Marshall, radio program "Mark Up the Map"
--Josephine Baker
--Unidentified American and Filipino soldiers crossing the Pasig River
--18 unidentified Marine Raiders at Cape Torokina on Bougainville, group shot
--1 unidentified GI with rifle, Cape Gloucester
--Lt Eddie Heimberger and unidentified soldier (after the war, he changed his name to Eddie Albert
--Manila Myrtle
--Navy fighter pilot Wayne Morris
--Wayne Morris
Marine Corps Private Lee Marvin
--Bill Lundigan and 12 unidentified photographers, 1st Marine Division
--General Douglas Macarthur and three soldiers
--Lew Ayres in uniform
--Members of the 37th Division Band
--unidentified men on the carrier Enterprise, Neptune party for the Polliwogs
--Leif Erickson and Tyrone Power, Okinawa, April 1945
--Unidentified GIs at Baguio in the Philippines, marching next to a tank
--Admiral George Murray, giving Henry Fonda bronze star. Unidentified man behind him.
--Five GIs on Okinawa
--Underwater Demolition Team 17, Okinawa, group shot. One is Also DaRae (later Aldo Ray)
--Celebrating GIs on Okinawa, unidentified
--Tad Van Brunt
--Gary Cooper, Phyllis Brooks and Una Merkel
--Randolph Scott and five unidentified GIs, one black, Guadalcanal
--Harvey and Moe Weiss, the boxing twins, with Mary Elliott, Rosita Morena, and Frances Fay, Guadalcanal, Feb 1944
--George "Bob" Crosby
--Jack Benny and Navy Commander W.J. Wicks, South Pacific 1944
--41st Infantry Division, landing on Wake Island, 1 recognizable but unidentified, the rest not recognizable or identified
--Robert Montgomery,
They Were Expendable--Dorothy Lamour and an unidentified private, DeRidder Army Air Force base
--2 unidentified sleeping soldiers
--Marine Private 1st Class, Handsall W. Sprenger, painting nose art on a B-29
--Unidentified sailor aboard USS CApelin, reading The Stray Lamb by Thorne Smith, and Vargas pinups
--Private 1st class Walter Guber
-- Corporal Bernard Butnik and Sergeant Richard Goodbar
--Betty Grable
--Rita Hayworth
--Betty Hutton, Marshall Islands 1944
--Jinx Falkenburg playing ping pong in November 1044
--Marsha Tilton, CArole Landis, and unidentified woman receive supplies
--Gypsy Rose Lee and 6 GIs in drag for one of her shows
--Jane Russell and three sailors at San Diego Naval Training Station
--Linda Darnell and unidentified woman
--Margie Stewart
--Pat Clark in pinup pose
--3 soldiers from 2nd Ranger Battalion in Ruhrberg
--Walt Goldberg at microphone and two unidentified women
--Five unidentified GIs singing in front of microphone
--5 unidentified soldiers preparing for Operation Market Garden
--a GI with a dog and two unidentified children in the Netherlands
--group photo, ground patrols from US 1st and 3rd Armies, near Houffalize
--Unidentified soldier on radio
--GIs in dugout crossing Moselle River. Only a couple are recognizable, all are unidentified
--Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters
--Unidentified American and Russian soldier, shaking hands
--General Dwight S. Eisenhower and British Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder
--Singer Frances Day
--Two West Indian male soldiers and four West Indian female military members, talking to the BBC
--Mickey Rooney entertaining several unidentified GIs
--Billy Wilder
--Unidentified American and British servicemen celebrate in London
--Marlene Dietrich on a piano, 5 unidentified GIs
--Marlene on piano with unidentified GIs (different outfit)
--Bob Hope and Jane Russell
--PFCs William G. Curtis and Donald R. Stratton, having Thanksgiving Dinner
--Bing Crosby entertaining several unidentified and unidentifiable GIs
--Two unidentified soldiers
--Glenn Miller and his band
--Glenn Miller and his band
--Unidentified soldiers waiting to eat
--Tommy Dorsey in back of radio microphone
--Glenn Miller
--Bing Crosby and Joe DeRita
--unidentified Japanese women training with farm implements
--One identifiable GI on the
Hornet as Anti-aircraft guns fire
--Paul Tibbets waves from the
Enola Gay--unidentified GIs reading newspaper in tent
--Danny Kaye
--Andrews Sisters
--Danny Kaye, Leo Durocher and unidentified soldier
--Marine Corps transport pilot Tyrone Power and 3 unidentified GIs
--Johnny Carson in uniform
--Unidentified soldiers holding up "Japs Quit" signs
--General Douglas Macarthur, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Admiral William "Bulls" Halsey, and other unidentified dignities watching Japanese official sign surrender
--Douglas MacArthur signs surrender documents, watched by several unidentified officers
--Audie Murphy in front of cemetery crosses
--Four unidentified soldiers
--Bob Hope, Victor Mature, unidentified sailors and nurses in a hospital
--Shirtless Tyrone Power at typewriter
--Jimmy Stewart receiving Air Medal
--Victor Mature and unidentified woman
--PFC Harper returning home to hugs from mother, wife and small daughter