Duty, Honor, Applause: America's Entertainers in WWII
by Gary L. Bloomfield, Stacie L. Shain, with Arlen C. Davidson
The Lyons Press, 2004
496 pages including bibliography. No index
Library: 940.53 BLO
Table of Contents
1. The Great War and Prelude to WWII
2. The Axis Powers Plunge Into War
3. A Despicable Act: Tin Pan Alley Sings Red, White and Blue
4. Thousands Sign Up For "The Duration": Entertainers Bolster Troop Morale; War Bonds: Americans Chip in TO Support the Cause
5. Defense Plants Gear Up for War: Radio Reinforces the Message; Hollywood and the Canteen
6. The Pacific Rim: The USO "Drafts" Soldiers in Greasepaint
7. Nazi U-boats Terrorize the Atlantic: Broadway and the Stage Door Canteen
8. Fighting in the Mediterranean: "Spooks" of the OSS
9. Chasing the Foe Across the Pacific: Wounded Vets Cope; Hollywood Rallies the Country
10. Allied Bombers Hit Fortress Europe: "Celluloid Commandos" Advance Military Training Frame By Frame
11. Turning Point of the Twentieth Century: The Invasion of Fortress Europe
12. Turning the Tide in the Pacific: Pinup Girls Show "T & A" Weapons Don't Refer to Tanks and Artillery
13. The Final Push Across the Rhine: The Defiant ans Unstoppable Marlene; V-Discs Bring Harmony to Cacophony of War
14. The Bombing Campaign over Japan
15. Returning Home...Finally
(Table of Contents calls out Index, but there isn't one.)
--Battery C of the 6th Field Artillery, two unidentified soldiers
--1st Army Post All Colored Band - 39 members of the band, unidentified
--Pilot William Wellman in front of plane
--Private TP Loughlin, 69th Regiment, National guard, wife and child
--A. C. Gibbons and Mae Marsh, Stake Uncle Sam to Play Your Hand, 1918
--US Troops marching through Paris, Independence Day 1917. At least 3 recognizable but unidentified
--Dorothy Gish and unidentified actor, The Greatest Things in Life
--DW Griffith filming Hearts of the World (1917)
--Hedy Lamarr and 20 unidentified soldiers
--Charlie Chaplin and 5 unidentified actora, Shoulder Arms
--March 7, 1936 German soldiers marching into Rhineland. About 20 unidentified soldiers
--Henry Fonda
--Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler and unidentified man in front of Eiffel Tower
--Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Navy lieutenant
--About 20 unidentified Japanese soldiers celebrating in Singapore
--girl presenting wreath to Adolph Hitler, one unidentified man, rest unidentified
--German storm trooper in front of Jewish shop
--Lew Ayres, All Quiet on the Western Front
--American Nazi Party, 1939. About 6 identifiable but unidentifiable men at the front of a column of men
--Orson Welles, performing "The War of the Worlds" radio show
--Two "Schulstad lads" listening to the radio
--Gary Cooper as Alvin York
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing declaration of war
--Black newspaper boy with "Japs Declare War" headline
--About 20 unidentified American sailors listening to radio
--Two unidentified Japanese soldiers celebrating fall of Singapore
--Sailors laying wreaths at Pearl Harbor. Unidentified.
--Jimmy Cagney and four unidentified women in Yankee Doodle Dandy
--American and Filipino soldiers at Bataan with coastal gun. Unidentified.
--Robert Taylor in pilot gear in front of plane
--Irving Berlin
--Kate Smith, a few unidentified musicians
--Frank Loesser in uniform
--Captain Glenn Miller
--Glenn Miller and unidentified band members
--Black jazz band, unidentified musicians
--Unidentified Navy recruit crawling through log obstacle
--Four unidentified soldiers going through boot camp
--Three unidentified soldiers training on Browning .50 caliber flexible machine gun
--Two marines, one black, training at Mont Ford Point
--Unidentified infantrymen being inspected on parade in Hawaii
--John Craven on portable radio
--Aircorpsmen with bayonets, unidentified
--Sabu Dastagir
--Clark Gable with ammo belts
--WC Fields, Paulette Goddard, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy
--Tyrone Power, Crash Dive, 1943
--Three unidentified marines in North Carolina
--Sterling Hayden, aiming rifle
--2nd Lt McDonald Carey and unidentified soldier at Cherry Point
--Robert Stack in uniform
--Guy Madison in uniform
--Eddie Peabody with banjo and two unidentified musicians on board ship
--Seaman Second Class Jackie Cooper on drums, with three unidentified women in the Marine Corps
--Faye McKenzie, Billy Gilbert, and unidentified showgirl
--Carole Lombard dancing jitterbug with PFC Joseph Schneeburg, unidentified trumpet player
--4 unidentified WAVES and Victor Mature in the Coast Guard
--The Andrews Sisters in Over There
--Beryl Wallace and 3 un-identified soldiers from Western Signal Aviation Unit
--Rosalind Russell, brother George, and two unidentified soldiers, Camp Bowie, TX
--Private Don Byrnes and Alice Swanson, dancing
--Lena Horne and five black soldiers of the 92nd infantry division
--Carmen Miranda and Sergeant Anthony M Lopilato, Indianapolis
--Jimmy Stewart in uniform
--Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Ronald Colman, and an unidentified Russian
--Carole Lombard for Buy Bonds
--Irving Berlin and Michael Curtiz
--Laurel and Hardy at a USO show, 1943
--Mae West, and unidentified man and woman
--Ronald Reagan in uniform, Jane Wyman, and daughter
--Lana Turner
--Gene Tierney and 6 unidentified drill sergeants
--Danny Kaye and unidentified woman
--Jack Benny and a few recognizable but unidentified soldiers
--Paulette Goddard and four unidentified actresses, I Love A Soldier
--Five factory women, unidentified (wearing goggles)
--Two unidentified women, one unidentified soldier
--Two women in aircraft repair shop
--Four Secretaries of War poster, women models not identified
--Two black women welders
--GI Cookie Girl - unidentified
--Two unidentified WAVES and two women
--Unidentified mother looking at photo of her sons
--Two unidentified women modeling factory-safe clothing
--Martha Bryant and Eulalie Hampden (black women bolt cutters) 1943
--Pete Seeger and several unidentified sailors, both black and white
--Gene Autry in cockpit
--Four unidentified male radio actors
--Eve Arden and unidentified actor/soldier
--Mickey Rooney, Sergeant Bill Stewart, Tom Poston, and unidentified Signal Corps officer
--Humphrey Bogart, Jack Brown and Lauren Bacall
--Martha Wilkerson - GI Jill
--Lena Horne on Jubilee
--Betty Hutton and Jimmy Durante
--Ann Sheridan
--Janet Blair
--Major Mann Holiner with Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore
--Bob Hope and Frances Langford
--7 Hollywood 5th graders, unidentified
--Janet Blair cooking
--Ann Sothern, Hedy Lamarr, and Linda Darnell
--Olivia de Havilland with an unidentified soldier, Marine and sailor
--Maria Montez and Gloria Jean with typewriters
--Colonel Philip "Flip" Cochran
--Merle Oberon with 3 unidentified soldiers
--Joe E. Brown in China with four unidentied troops
--band leader Artie Shaw
--Lt. James Doolittle and his bomber crews, all unidentified
--Spencer Tracy, 30 Seconds Over Tokyo
--General C. L. Chennault with Ann Sheridan and Mary Landa
--Gene Autry with unidentified soldier
--One unidentified Muleskinner leading mule through water
--Jackie Coogan and several unidentified glider pilots
--Four Merrill's Marauders, unidentified
--Lili Pons, Andre Kostelanetz and a few unidentified soldiers, plus an unidentified Chinese (monk(?))
--Ann Sheridan
--Pat O'Brien with sword, unidentified man
--Errol Flynn, Objective Burma
--A pilot and mechanic of the Flying Tigers
--6 members of an American mortar crew in the Aleutian islands
--Narjorie Reynolds with two soldiers in the Aleutians
--Marine Corps Photographic Field Officer Louis Hayward
--Black woman and three black soldiers at a USO Club
--Two soldiers and a woman in USO club
--Martha Tilton and a few unidentified GIs, Cape Gloucester, July 1944
--Eddie Bracken, two other men and five women entertainers, unidentified
--Jeanne Darrell and TEch-4 Leon Blackley in Liberia
--Mrs and Mrs Jim Dodd, Pat O'Brien Betty Yeaton and Jinx Falkenberg on plane from china to India
--Jerry Colonna
--Frances Langford
--Ann Sheridan and six unidentified GIs
--Miss America 1945, Bess Myerson
--Two unidentified sailors
--Four unidentified sailors in racks
--Five unidentified sailors in racks
--Joan Blondell and three unidentified soldiers
--Victor Mature on Coast Guard cutter
--Artie Shaw and unidentified sailors on ship
--Marlene Dietrich and 5 unidentified men and 1 woman, Greenland
--4 unidentified WACs boarding ship
--Ilana Massey and several unidentified soldiers
--Robert Taylor in uniform with unidentified Naval inspector
--3 GIs in drag, This is the Army
--Ethel Merman and unidentified naval officer on ship
--Alfred Lunt, Lynne Fontanne and unidentified actress
--Unidentified sailors and entertainer at Stage Door Canteen
--Unidentified chorus girls
--Katherine Cornell in jeep
--Unidentified soldiers marching ashore in North Africa
--6 unidentified GIs on a cargo ship
--Douglas Fairbanks, jr, King George of England, and 2 other unidentified officers
--Joe Pellegrino and Italian musicians at a POW camp
--Private Dick Vaus
--Bob Hope, Frances Langford and unidentified GI
--Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca
--Henry Fonda, The Immortal Sergeant
--Nartha Raye and 6 unidentified GIs
--Martha Raye in tank in North Africa, with 23 unidentified soldiers
--2 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne, plus 2 unidentifiable ones
--2 GIs seated at war memorial in Brolon on Sicily
--3 Tuskegee Airforce Pilots
--4 soldiers with a gun by the Arno River
--General Patton, Bob Hope, Frances Langford, two unidentified soldiers
--Mussolini and Hitler in car with unidentified soldier
--4 unidentified soldiers walking through Caiazzo
--OSS officer Sterling Hayden
--Petr Ortiz in uniform
--Three soldiers paddling down Gira River, New Years Eve 1942
--Soldier in the South Pacific
--Corporal George Avram and Dorothy Fay
--Joe E Brown and a Fiji Islander
-- Column of marine raiders with dogs. A few of those in front are recognizable but unidentified
--Unidentified Leatherneck on Peleliu
--unidentifified Army medic, three unidentified Sicilian women villagers
--Lee Marvin as a Marine
--Red Skelton performing before unidentified Marines
--Al Jolson performing before unidentified soldiers
--Unidentified Army medic patches up unrecognizable GI
--Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna, Frances Langford, and Bing Crosby with unidentified woman and two soldiers in veteran's hospital
--Esther Williams being held up by 2 GIs
--Army Sergeant Harold Russell with 2 artificial arms
--Elmer Davis
--Irving Berlin and various unidentified singers, This is the Army
--Tyrone Power in uniform
--Ginger Rogers
--Unidentified elderly German woman looking at rubble while unidentifiable American GIs walk past
--Jimmy Stewart and four unidentified crewmembers
--Clark Gable leaning out of bomber window
--Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering
--Bob Hope and three unidentified English women
--Unidentified English man and woman watching the skies
--Hazel Scott
--Jane Froman and Don Ross, her husband
--Leslie Howard, two unidentified men
--Glenn Miller and unidentified woman
--Unidentified bomber crew praying
--Two unidentified mechanics
--Two girls and a boy seated on the rubble of their home
--Unidentified Flying Fortress crew squeezed into a jeep
--Leslie Howard
--Signal Corps Lt Colonel Frank Capra, awarded medal from General George Marshall
--Unidentified waist gunner aboard B-17 Flying Fortress
--General Hap Arnold, three unidentified civilians
--Major General William Porter, Walt Disney, and unidentified soldier
--Three unidentified actors/soldiers in Three Cadets training film
--Jimmy Stewart and five unidentified crewmen, Winning Your Wings
--Clark Gable and two unidentifed crewmembers
--Gene Kelly, US Navy
--William Wyler and unidentified man, both in uniform
--Frank Capra, unidentified man and woman
--Frank Capra in uniform
--John Ford
--John Huston with unidentified film crew
--A photo which is supposed to have John Huston on the left, only it sure doesn't look like him, and 3 other uniformed individuals
--three Dachau prisoners
--William Wyler, Sy Bartlett, John Huston and Anatole Litvak, all in uniform
--John Wayne, Reunion in France
--Two unidentified GIs
--A dozen or so unidentified GIs in a landing craft
--Unidentified GIs
--Unidentified GIs
--3 unidentified paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division
--Soldier firing big gun
--Unidentified GIs entering town
--Navy Lt John Cox Jr (actor John Howard)
--Edward G. Robinson entertaining troops
--Bing Crosby, Broderick Crawford, Corporal Colin Framptom and Corporal Doug Marshall, radio program "Mark Up the Map"
--Josephine Baker
--Unidentified American and Filipino soldiers crossing the Pasig River
--18 unidentified Marine Raiders at Cape Torokina on Bougainville, group shot
--1 unidentified GI with rifle, Cape Gloucester
--Lt Eddie Heimberger and unidentified soldier (after the war, he changed his name to Eddie Albert
--Manila Myrtle
--Navy fighter pilot Wayne Morris
--Wayne Morris
Marine Corps Private Lee Marvin
--Bill Lundigan and 12 unidentified photographers, 1st Marine Division
--General Douglas Macarthur and three soldiers
--Lew Ayres in uniform
--Members of the 37th Division Band
--unidentified men on the carrier Enterprise, Neptune party for the Polliwogs
--Leif Erickson and Tyrone Power, Okinawa, April 1945
--Unidentified GIs at Baguio in the Philippines, marching next to a tank
--Admiral George Murray, giving Henry Fonda bronze star. Unidentified man behind him.
--Five GIs on Okinawa
--Underwater Demolition Team 17, Okinawa, group shot. One is Also DaRae (later Aldo Ray)
--Celebrating GIs on Okinawa, unidentified
--Tad Van Brunt
--Gary Cooper, Phyllis Brooks and Una Merkel
--Randolph Scott and five unidentified GIs, one black, Guadalcanal
--Harvey and Moe Weiss, the boxing twins, with Mary Elliott, Rosita Morena, and Frances Fay, Guadalcanal, Feb 1944
--George "Bob" Crosby
--Jack Benny and Navy Commander W.J. Wicks, South Pacific 1944
--41st Infantry Division, landing on Wake Island, 1 recognizable but unidentified, the rest not recognizable or identified
--Robert Montgomery, They Were Expendable
--Dorothy Lamour and an unidentified private, DeRidder Army Air Force base
--2 unidentified sleeping soldiers
--Marine Private 1st Class, Handsall W. Sprenger, painting nose art on a B-29
--Unidentified sailor aboard USS CApelin, reading The Stray Lamb by Thorne Smith, and Vargas pinups
--Private 1st class Walter Guber
-- Corporal Bernard Butnik and Sergeant Richard Goodbar
--Betty Grable
--Rita Hayworth
--Betty Hutton, Marshall Islands 1944
--Jinx Falkenburg playing ping pong in November 1044
--Marsha Tilton, CArole Landis, and unidentified woman receive supplies
--Gypsy Rose Lee and 6 GIs in drag for one of her shows
--Jane Russell and three sailors at San Diego Naval Training Station
--Linda Darnell and unidentified woman
--Margie Stewart
--Pat Clark in pinup pose
--3 soldiers from 2nd Ranger Battalion in Ruhrberg
--Walt Goldberg at microphone and two unidentified women
--Five unidentified GIs singing in front of microphone
--5 unidentified soldiers preparing for Operation Market Garden
--a GI with a dog and two unidentified children in the Netherlands
--group photo, ground patrols from US 1st and 3rd Armies, near Houffalize
--Unidentified soldier on radio
--GIs in dugout crossing Moselle River. Only a couple are recognizable, all are unidentified
--Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters
--Unidentified American and Russian soldier, shaking hands
--General Dwight S. Eisenhower and British Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder
--Singer Frances Day
--Two West Indian male soldiers and four West Indian female military members, talking to the BBC
--Mickey Rooney entertaining several unidentified GIs
--Billy Wilder
--Unidentified American and British servicemen celebrate in London
--Marlene Dietrich on a piano, 5 unidentified GIs
--Marlene on piano with unidentified GIs (different outfit)
--Bob Hope and Jane Russell
--PFCs William G. Curtis and Donald R. Stratton, having Thanksgiving Dinner
--Bing Crosby entertaining several unidentified and unidentifiable GIs
--Two unidentified soldiers
--Glenn Miller and his band
--Glenn Miller and his band
--Unidentified soldiers waiting to eat
--Tommy Dorsey in back of radio microphone
--Glenn Miller
--Bing Crosby and Joe DeRita
--unidentified Japanese women training with farm implements
--One identifiable GI on the Hornet as Anti-aircraft guns fire
--Paul Tibbets waves from the Enola Gay
--unidentified GIs reading newspaper in tent
--Danny Kaye
--Andrews Sisters
--Danny Kaye, Leo Durocher and unidentified soldier
--Marine Corps transport pilot Tyrone Power and 3 unidentified GIs
--Johnny Carson in uniform
--Unidentified soldiers holding up "Japs Quit" signs
--General Douglas Macarthur, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Admiral William "Bulls" Halsey, and other unidentified dignities watching Japanese official sign surrender
--Douglas MacArthur signs surrender documents, watched by several unidentified officers
--Audie Murphy in front of cemetery crosses
--Four unidentified soldiers
--Bob Hope, Victor Mature, unidentified sailors and nurses in a hospital
--Shirtless Tyrone Power at typewriter
--Jimmy Stewart receiving Air Medal
--Victor Mature and unidentified woman
--PFC Harper returning home to hugs from mother, wife and small daughter
No. A - Z my buttocks. It's still a good book, very informative, however it mostly runs over the most well-known topic of WWII, not much else. Not much of the very small yet still effective plots which all miraculously managed to conjoin together to confuse Nazi Germany in so many ways and so much more. But still, informative for those who have not sought for further knowledge while sacrificing hours of every single day for months learning about World War II. As for me, what amazes me the most is their engineering and automotive repairing methods. Our greatest engineers and scientists today still don't know why they engineered or done a lot of the things let alone achievements that mankind has made in that time. This automotive repair camp in Bowie, TX surprises me as well, and is very good, however nothing is as good as it used to be back in WWII. Heh. Imagine that. Ha ha History is awesome my friends!