Friday, May 13, 2011

1940 Chronology: 13 May

Western Front
Hans Guderian's armoured divisions force the crossing of the Meuse on either side of Sedan.

In Belgium, the French 1st Army and Lord Gort's British divisions reach the bank of the Dyle. The British are deployed between Louvain and WAvre, the French between Wavre and Namur.

Germans take Liege. The Dutch army is collapsing, and the High Command orders a general retreat to defensive positions on what is called the "Dutch Fortress" an area taking in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht. Queen Wilhelmina and her government take refuse in London.

Churchill declares to the House of Commons: "I have nothing to offer but blood and toil and tears and sweat."

World War II Magazine's WWII Day by Day Desk Diary

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