Honor By Fire: Japanese Americans at War in Europe and the Pacific, by Lyn Crost
Presidio, 1994
310 pages, plus Appendix, Endnotes, Bibliography and Index. No photos
Library: 940.548 CRO
Honor By Fire is a moving story of men who fought first for the right to fight, and then went on to show a rare courage and tremendous spirit. It is a story of moral heroism as well as physical sacrifice.
When President Truman personally welcomed home the Japanese-Americans of the 100th Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team, he said: "You fought not only the enemy, but you fought prejudice-and you have wom." It was not an easy rode for these American Nisei, caught in a no-man's land between their ancestral heritage and loyalty to their country.
After the bombing of Pear Harbor, Japanese Americans were singled out for the nation's suspicions. Yet, with their families incarcerated in internment camps, these men swallowed their pride and volunteered for military service. They fought gallantly, pitting their unique skills and knowledge against America's enemoes-in combat in Europe and as linguists with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in the Pacific.
War correspondent Lyn Crost witnessed the outstanding military service, and the horrendous casualties, of the Japanese American troops in Europe. She spoke with many high-ranking offivers who, initially opposed to the use of Nisei troops, later became their most enthusiastic advocates, considering them the best assault troops in the Army. Axis SAlly, in her radio broadcasts, called the Nisei "America's secret weapon."
In the Pacific theater, Nisei linguists participated in every battle from the Aleutians to Okinawa. Their work proved indispensable: they interrogated prisoners, translated captured orders and maps, and communicated with terrified civilians.
The high secrecy of this intelligence work meant censorship during the war years and for three decades after, preventing public acknowledgment of their deeds. Honor By Fire is the first book to tell of the MISers' incredible exploits, combined with the experiences of the 100th Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team.
Table of Contents
1. Pu'uloa becomes Pear Harbor
2. Birth of the legendary battalion
3. Nisei of the MIS
4. The killing fields of New Guinea
5. The Proving Ground
6. The dtruggle against odds
7. The Mountains of Italy
8. The Purple Heart battalion of Cassino
9. Secret Warriors in Burma
10. Anzio to Rome - and Beyond
11. An Ocean REd with Blood
12. Forests of Death
13. The Phillipines Recaptured
14. Caves of Hell
15. The Champagne Campaign
16. Germany and tbhe Death Camps
17. Victory in Europe
18. Okinawa: Gateway to Japan
19. Pearl Harbor Avenged
20. Echoes from the past
Appendex - the REcord
Selected Bibliography
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