Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WW II Glossary of Terms #2

FFI - Forces Francais d'Interieur - responsible for organizing armed resistance in France

Gestapo - Geheime Staatspolizei, a political police force whose mission was to eradicate political views incompatible with Nazism.

LCA - Landing Craft Assault, 12-m long vessel capable of carrying 35 men.

LCI - Landing Craft Infantry, 50m-long vessel capable of carrying nearlty 200 men.

LRDG - Long Range Desert GRoup

Maquis - The French resistance groups who fought against the GErman occupation.

MC - Military Cross, awarded to officers of the rank of major and below for gallantry in action

MEHQ - Middle East Headquarters

MGB - motor gun boat

Milice - French fascist organizations working with the GErmans

MM - military medal, awarded to NCOs and soldiers for gallantry in action.

Nebelwerfer - A multi-barrelled mortar known to the British as Moaning Minnie because of the ungodly noise made by the rockets.

Stirling's Men: The Inside History of the SAS in World War II, by Gavin Mortimer. Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2004

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